
Healthcare establishment certification is an approach which aims to support the improvement of patient treatment in French hospitals and clinics. It has been in place since 2005 and is renewed periodically every 4 years.

The certification procedure involves a self-evaluation followed by an inspection by healthcare professionals exterior to the establishment? It includes a monitoring procedure which aims to involve the establishment’s staff in a sustainable quality control approach.

The satisfactory treatment of patients must involve the coordinated action of the various clinical, medical-technical, logistic and administrative departments. For this reason the evaluation is applied to the establishment’s operations as a whole. The certification procedure is constantly developing to adapt to the healthcare safety and quality control needs of patients.

The Hospital Franco-Britannique has V2010 certification

Click here to see the results of this evaluation for the Hospital Franco-Britannique.

To see the outside inspection report in full, you can go to the Haute Autorité de Santé (H.A.S.) web site